Hey Tiger: Random Photographic Update
I am about to break every SEO rule by basically saying nothing and using zero keywords. I know, I’m blowing minds over here. But I never update… though I should. And I took a birding trip to India that I really do want to post about. I know I really should. Yet it takes me about a billion months to curate photos, so that’s my excuse for why updates never happen. With that in mind, I’m posting this photo now. Because it’s my site, and I can post useless content. That’s how the internet works! I present to you: A WILD TIGER. This handsome adult was spotted with his mate…
Intentional Travel: Adding Value to the Bucket List
My first reaction to pandemic lockdowns was to obsessively plan future trips. After months of planning several new adventures, it became apparent that there is just too much to do on this Earth and, most likely, not enough time to do it all. I might need to prioritize, to focus on intentional travel, if I want to ensure that I get to the destinations that are most important to me. Sure, 2020 might have been a torturous bout of travel deprivation for the travel obsessed, but it also turned out to be a time for revelation. Mainly, this: there is no better time to kick my old “bucket list” to…