Birding Tours: Finding the Best Guide for Your Travels
I always use the same birding tour company when planning a big trip. Why? Because they’re great. And also because I’m lazy. This technique can work for you too! But maybe not. Who am I to tell you how to live your life? Now get out there and bird, folks. But first, find a good bird guide! Decisions, Decisions Okay, look. There are loads of companies out there providing wildlife-oriented tours, especially of the feathered persuasion. Birding companies aren’t remotely rare. So I’m just going to tell you who I’ve used before (and recommend), and a tiny bit about why (when I feel like it). And, full disclosure, no tour…
A Paradise Paradox in Hawai’i
People recommend Hawaii for its beaches and coffee and volcanoes. And those might all be great reasons to go to a place, but I’ll put a word in here for these islands’ amazing diversity. This may not be a reason many go to Hawai’i – the average tourist is unlikely to witness much of the State’s remaining native biodiversity. Instead, this is a gentle encouragement to appreciate the unique wonders that flourish on isolated tropical islands. — Disclaimer: I went to Hawai’i, mostly for work-related responsibilities. This was probably a once-in-a-career meeting destination for me, and it means my itinerary was focused on wildlife conservation efforts rather than personal travel.…
Hey Tiger: Random Photographic Update
I am about to break every SEO rule by basically saying nothing and using zero keywords. I know, I’m blowing minds over here. But I never update… though I should. And I took a birding trip to India that I really do want to post about. I know I really should. Yet it takes me about a billion months to curate photos, so that’s my excuse for why updates never happen. With that in mind, I’m posting this photo now. Because it’s my site, and I can post useless content. That’s how the internet works! I present to you: A WILD TIGER. This handsome adult was spotted with his mate…
Small Group Travel: Choosing to Be Intrepid
Recently, I chose to do a small group tour with one of the biggest providers out there – Intrepid Travel. Why? I’ll explain my decision points below. (To spoil the ending, yes, I’d totally recommend this company, although there are things to keep in mind.) — Considering Small Group Travel? Do you ever get tired of putting so much effort into logistics when you really just want to explore new places? I was there. I wanted to travel, but without quite so much thinking. Luckily, small group tours can make that happen. I’d always thought a group tour would be a good option for central Europe. The currency changes in…
Bird of the Week: Blue-Footed Booby
Who doesn't love a blue-footed booby? This bird of the week dances like everyone is watching.
2021 Vaccinated Vacation Adventures
It turns out that 2021 was, indeed, better than 2020 in many ways. Granted, the endless working from home and refrigerator access probably hasn’t helped the fit of my wardrobe. Bummer. But in terms of travel, the outlook has become markedly more positive. For those of us lucky to have it, access to the vaccine has definitely opened up more vacation options! The year started with the certainty of… well, uncertainty. But a willingness to be adaptable led to a couple opportunities I wouldn’t have predicted in January. — Sadly, I’ve written exactly zero blog posts in recent months, which means I’ve written nothing about the international trips I was…