Bird Travel

Hey Tiger: Random Photographic Update

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I am about to break every SEO rule by basically saying nothing and using zero keywords.

I know, I’m blowing minds over here.

But I never update… though I should. And I took a birding trip to India that I really do want to post about. I know I really should.

Yet it takes me about a billion months to curate photos, so that’s my excuse for why updates never happen.

With that in mind, I’m posting this photo now. Because it’s my site, and I can post useless content. That’s how the internet works!

I present to you: A WILD TIGER.

Adult male tiger rests after mating, Ranthambhore National Park.

This handsome adult was spotted with his mate at Ranthambhore National Park. He was a “non-tourist” tiger.  He was beautiful.

I am sharing this because this particular travel experience is something I have dreamt of for, literally, decades. I am very likely to share this again, because he brings me joy.

More to come…